much like how Dan Aykroyd and Samuel L. Jackson can't say "No" to any movie and have each appeared in nearly one hundred movies (don't even try counting all of William H. Macy's films...), certain authors just keep cranking out book after book after BOOK AFTER BOOK. for instance, Jerry Jenkins and Stephen King, two vastly different authors, but each one practically sweats a book out waiting in a bank line. isn't that crazy? over a hundred books. apiece. for some it takes a bloody lifetime to write ONE book, and these guys sneeze and a manuscript drops out. maybe i lament all this due to petty jealous on my part (..."maybe"?), but it's just getting ridiculous. how many new ideas can these guys come up with? will King ever wake up one morning without a single terrible thought to stretch out into a book (and a subsequent awkward made-for-tv movie)? ah well. at least they're not recording albums........what? stephen king appears on Cincinnati Reds' pitcher Bronson Arroyo's album about Boston? hmmh. nevermind then.
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